On 18 March, Mr. Pablo Ayesa, General Director, and Mr. Antonio Ugarte, Director of the Wind Energy Department, both members of the CENER (Spain´s National Renewable Energy Centre, https://www.cener.com/en/) met, at the workshops of the company KEYTECH (www.keytech.es) located in Lecumberri (Navarre), the demonstrator of the self-climbing AirCRANE, development granted by the European Commission, under “Horizon 2020-SME Instrument”, No 804858 (Link to CORDIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/804858).
Also in attendance were Mr. Juanjo Etxalar and Mr. Telmo Sexmilo, representatives of CLAVE (https:/clave.capital) of Pamplona (Navarre), which manages the participation of the Basque industrial conglomerate MONDRAGON CORPORATION (https:/www.mondragon-corporation.com) in HWS, and that they will shortly expand its participation in HWS, together with INNVIERTE (https://www.cdti.es), to start the worldwide marketing of the developed solution.
In this way HWS Concrete Towers S.L. strengthens and guarantees its future.”