hwstowers@hwstowers.com | +34 943 598 469

HWS | San Sebastian · SPAIN

| +34 943 598 469

HWS | San Sebastian · SPAIN

“Merry CHRISTMAS and a Happy NEW YEAR 2018” (HWS)

Best News:
In 2018 HWS is going to initiate a new period, as we have recently been awarded a grant in the “HORIZON 20202-SME Instrument-Phase 2”.

➜ Project name: AIRCRANE . This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804858.
➜ This means AirCranes are going to be manufactured and demonstrated in the coming two years!


“Ideol’s floating [CONCRETE] offshore wind foundation has been successfully completed” (Windtech)

Expertise Hub VIDEO: Concrete Floating Foundations More Durable and Cost-Effective (Ideol):

“Building a floating foundation in concrete has shown to be a cheaper solution, not only construction-wise but with O&M taken into account as well, since the material is much more durable at sea – as learned from the offshore oil & gas industry” – according to Bruno Geschier, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at Ideol. 

Video on “offshoreWIND.biz”

The construction of Ideol’s floating offshore wind sub-structure has been successfully completed by Bouygues TP and was floated-off in Saint-Nazaire’s Forme Joubert lock:  

After several months of construction near the Forme Joubert lock, the floating foundation – which will equip France’s first offshore wind turbine – was disengaged from the floating barges on which it was built before being towed back to the quay where the installation and the pre-commissioning of the wind turbine will occur next month. The towing to the SEM-REV test site off Le Croisic will occur later this autumn where the floating system will be connected to the grid and hooked-up to the mooring lines which were successfully pre-installed last month.

LIVE to Saint-Nazaire IDEOL-FLOATGEN construction site


“Recent HURRICANES and construction materials: The best results with CONCRETE?” (HWS)

Always concrete is the most resistant, reliable, etc… material.
Some of the pictures shown (Houston area after Harvey crossing) seems to talk about the “Three Little Pigs” story.

ROCKPORT, TX – AUGUST 26: A damaged home is seen after Hurricane Harvey passed through on August 26, 2017 in Rockport, Texas. Harvey made landfall shortly after 11 p.m. Friday, just north of Port Aransas as a Category 4 storm and is being reported as the strongest hurricane to hit the United States since Wilma in 2005. Forecasts call for as much as 30 inches of rain to fall in the next few days. Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP

ROCKPORT, TX - AUGUST 26: A damaged home is seen after Hurricane Harvey passed through on August 26, 2017 in Rockport, Texas. Harvey made landfall shortly after 11 p.m. Friday, just north of Port Aransas as a Category 4 storm and is being reported as the strongest hurricane to hit the United States since Wilma in 2005. Forecasts call for as much as 30 inches of rain to fall in the next few days. Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP == FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY == US-HURRICANE-HARVEY-SLAMS-INTO-TEXAS-GULF-COASTHarvey Hurricane 3_Autopista y barrera New-Jersey Harvey Hurricane 1B_Puentes en Houston

“Enormous increase in lifting capacity through new boom variation from Liebherr” (HeavyLift News)

…”the LR 1750/2 (…) working with the SX2 boom version. The two extended mast sections on the main boom massively increase its lateral stability.

Wind turbines with a hub height of up to 166 metres can now be erected”.

“…enables the 750-tonne cranes to lift weights normally reserved for (…) crawler cranes with a 1000-tonne”.

“…enables to erect turbines with a hub height of up to 166 metres. Components with a weight of up to 127 tonnes can be assembled at that height using the SX3 version”. The crawler crane (…) erected three Enercon type E-101 systems with a hub height of 135 metres”.

See the complete article in this Link: http://www.heavyliftnews.com/news/enormous-increase-in-lifting-capacity

“New hybrid (CONCRETE + Steel) 155 m tall tower for an ENERCON 4.2MW WEC” (HWS)

NEW RECORD: An “Hybrid” (Concrete+Steel) 155 m tall Tower has been made!

This new tower is for the EP4 series turbine, a 4.2 MW turbine which means +220 t weight on top, and rotor axis at 159 m.


Source: The ENERCON Magazine “Windblatt”, issue 02-2017, Page 17.

See it in this LINK: http://www.enercon.de/fileadmin/Redakteur/Medien-Portal/windblatt/pdf/WB_02-17_GB_ANSICHT.pdf

Captura de pantalla 2017-07-16 a las 10.59.00

“HWS Engineers Team” helps to calculate an exceptional wind turbine transportation. (HWS)

During the last months of 2016 an HITACHI offshore wind turbine prototype has been transported from JAPAN to CENER-Sangüesa facility (www.cener.com), located in Navarra, SPAIN. It is one of the biggest worldwide facilities able to test the largest wind energy related parts, especially gearboxes, generators and blades.
It arrived in SPAIN via “Pasajes Port”, beside San Sebastian, on October 25th. Then it needed to be transported by truck along 170Km.
The convoy was more than exceptional: 95 m long, 6.54 m wide, 5.32 m high and weighting 515 t.

A special detailed transport plan was drawn up to avoid geometrical complications and a structural examination of several bridges was carried out. The maximum speed was 15 Km/h.

The Department of Transportation requested the assistance of a structural engineering team in which HWS CONCRETE TOWERS and S.R. took part: several of the bridges analyzed were actually designed by our engineers several decades ago.

bb_transporte-gipuzkoa-navarra_hitachi-16-11nov_imagen-13_d e_transporte-gipuzkoa-navarra_hitachi-16-11nov_imagen-18_e  c_transporte-gipuzkoa-navarra_hitachi-16-11nov_imagen-10_b  d_transporte-gipuzkoa-navarra_hitachi-16-11nov_imagen-12_c

HWS CONCRETE TOWERS receives an award as a highly “Innovative SME” company, by BANTEC (HWS)

On Tuesday 22th November 2016, HWS CONCRETE TOWERS was recognized as a “highly innovative” company. It was on the SMART-Up convention, held in San Sebastián (Euskadi, Spain).

Actually HWS has has previously been granted funding by:

  • European Commission, in the HORIZON 2020-SME program, phase 1.
  • Spanish “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad”, in the CDTI center (www.cdti.es), in the NEOTEC-2015 program.
  • “Diputación Fora de Gipuzkoa” (www.gipuzkoa.eus) in the “Txekintek” Program.
  • “Eusko Jaurlaritza” (Basque Country Government, www.euskadi.eus), in the SPRI department (www.spri.eus), in the “Ekintzaile” Program.

The award was given by BANTEC (www.bantec.es), a reputed specialist advisor on innovation grants and support, with one of the most successful ratios in the H2020 programs.

Thank you very much.

More information: http://bantec.es/blog/?p=2139




Concrete is currently used to build floating homes.
Taking into account these structures do not require continuous motion, concrete becomes the best material to make this floating hull/basement, regarding cost-effectiveness, quality, durability and low maintenance.

See some examples in these links:


